Having A Pond Can Lower Your Carbon Footprint

“Carbon footprint” is a mathematical measure, accounting for the amount of carbon dioxide and methane emissions of a defined population. Its prolific use has expanded its meaning—it is often a commonplace estimate of environmental impact. With that said, everyone has a carbon footprint. Some people choose to live a sustainable or environmentally friendly lifestyle that limits their personal “footprint”.  

By embracing the role of a pond owner, you're already taking a stride towards eco-friendliness. Uncover the different ways having a pond can lower your carbon footprint.  


Composting is an organic, natural, and cost-efficient way to fertilize plants and soil while helping plants grow bigger, helping soil hold on to nutrients and water, and reducing the risk of pollution. To learn how to use pond scum to compost in your own backyard, check out our blog Using Biological Waste from Your Pond as Fertilizer 

Composting has many benefits for the environment. According to Darby Hoover, NRDC’s senior resource specialist in the Food and Agriculture program, and master home composter, “Compost adds nutrients and organic matter back to soil, which benefits agriculture, reduces our reliance on synthetic fertilizers, diverts methane-producing organic materials from landfills, and improves soil’s water retention capacity so you don’t need to water as much”.    

Bog Filtration 

Another way to be kind to our planet is by using bog garden filtration, which turns waste into a resource. The benefits of bog garden filtration are clear water and low maintenance. It creates an ecosystem that maximizes the breakdown of organic matter and nutrient absorption, stunts the growth of algae in the pond, and keeps the water looking gorgeous!  Learn all about this kind of filtration in our blog, Benefits of Bog Garden Filtration. 

Space Saver 

When you build a pond, it takes up a nice portion of your yard requiring less mowing, which emits fewer pollutants into the air. This also means fewer pesticides and fertilizers are used for lawn care. These products can be harmful, creating toxic runoff that ends up in our water supply.    

A “Cool” Factor 

An attractive effect of having a pond is that it can serve as outdoor air conditioning. When water evaporates off the pond’s surface, the process reduces heat, which naturally cools the surrounding area. This evaporative cooling is greatly appreciated, especially when temperatures are high and humidity is low, so you can enjoy being outdoors instead of being inside with the AC cranked up high. Your wallet will thank you as well because it will help to keep those electricity bills down.   

Provide A Backyard Wildlife Habitat 

Having a pond is a way to provide a backyard wildlife habitat. We discussed how to do this in our blogs on wildlife. Your pond will be a “naturescape” that provides basic needs like food, water, and shelter. Basic elements are offered like fresh water from the pond; plants and feeders provide sustenance for birds, insects, deer, etc.; and rocks, trees, bushes and/or bird houses provide shelter and a place for nesting. You can find many of the materials to create this habitat at your local Home Depot. 

Reduce Water Usage 

Reducing water usage doesn’t only have to be about cutting down on consumption. Using rainwater in a productive manner is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Ponds help to collect rainwater and avoid runoff into sewers. This water can then be used to irrigate your lawn and plants by installing a pump or using gravity to feed the hoses. You can also just hand water plants and gardens. The moisture provided by a pond can be helpful to nearby plants by offering a self-sustaining cycle of hydration that keeps plants alive without having to water. This helps to maintain soil moisture during the hottest days of summer. The stored rainwater can also be used to wash vehicles; fill ponds, fountains, and swimming pools; and used in your home toilets and washers but check local regulations before trying this. If you are using rainwater to fill your pond, just make sure to use treatments to protect your pond from runoff and chemicals that can cause algae and throw off the balance of the pond’s aquatic environment. 


Implement some of these strategies to help create a better environment by reducing your carbon footprint!