Why Aeration Is Important for Your Pond During Summer

Summer is great for beach trips, but it can be tough on your pond. When water temperatures rise, oxygen levels in your pond can fall, leaving an unbalanced ecosystem for your fish and plants. This’s why aeration is so important during the summer months! 

Signs Your Pond Needs Aeration 

Look out for these signs that your pond might lack aeration: 

  • Algae blooms 
  • Too many fish 
  • Stagnant water 
  • Swarming mosquitoes 
  • Fish gulping at the surface 
  • Accumulation of muck 

These are all indicators that your pond’s oxygen levels are low, and it’s time to act. Summer is a time when fish are most active and oxygen demand is higher but warm water holds less oxygen and leaves your aquatic life competing for the little amount of dissolved oxygen available in the water. 

The Science of Oxygen Levels 

Oxygen in water is measured in parts per million (ppm). During the summer heat, these levels can drop significantly. At 85°F, fresh water can only hold about 6.1 ppm of dissolved oxygen. Ideally, water oxygen levels should be at 80% saturation, which requires a lot of aeration.  

Temperature affects oxygen in two key ways: it reduces water’s ability to hold dissolved oxygen and increases the metabolic rate of cold-blooded animals (ie. pond fish). If the temperature jumps from 70 to 88 degrees, the oxygen and nutrient requirements for fish, bacteria, algae, and other organisms double. This makes it even more important to maintain proper oxygen levels in warm water. 

Beneficial Bacteria Need Oxygen Too 

The oxygen is not only important for your fish but also for the beneficial bacteria that live in your filter and pond. Remember that the beneficial bacteria also need oxygen to convert ammonia to nitrites and nitrates. Low oxygen levels can reduce the population of “good” bacteria and allow ammonia and nitrite levels to increase to harmful levels for your pond’s inhabitants. 

Maximizing Aeration During Summer 

To keep your pond healthy during summer, ensure you have plenty of aeration running 24/7. You can supplement aeration with a pond aerator or additional pump. For maximum efficiency, clean the filter twice a year; a clogged filter makes the pump run even hotter.  

Increase your aeration and water circulation with waterfalls, fountains, and even spitters. If you have a waterfall or fountain, increase the water flow during the hot months to ensure proper circulation and help with gas exchange and infusing oxygen into the water. Increased circulation will encourage evaporation, which will have an additional cooling effect. 

Remember, you can never have too much aeration. Get your aeration equipment now to keep your pond and aquatic life happy and healthy all summer long!