Finishing Touches

You did it! Your waterfall has been designed beautifully and constructed to perfection; the water is flowing the way you wanted. Now it’s time to add the finishing touches and really turn your backyard dream into a reality.

Landscape Stones and Rocks

If you used a TotalPond spillway, you’ll probably want to camouflage it amongst the rest of the water feature and landscape. Flat rocks like slate, flagstone, and sandstone or more voluminous stones like egg rock, river rock, and even boulders can really elevate the look of your new water feature. The more you’re able to hide the spillway and tubing, the more natural the waterfall will look.   

Pump protection

All TotalPond waterfall pumps come with a pump barrier bag known as a pumpshield®, which protects the pump from large debris, thereby leading to a longer pump life and better performance. 


Put a spotlight on all your hard work and enjoy your waterfall even after the sun goes down. TotalPond’s low voltage lighting can be used in or out of the water and feature dusk-to-dawn sensors that automatically shut off the lights during the day and turn them back on at night.