Fountain Pumps

To maintain clean, beautiful water in your fountain, you need to keep the water moving. A pump will prevent stagnant waters that can lead to bad odors and mosquitoes nesting on the water's surface.

Choosing the Right Fountain Pump

To select the right fountain pump, measure from the water level to the highest point that the water reaches. This is what we call the Ideal Pumping Height. Choose a pump using the graphics above that has an ideal pumping height greater than the height measured.

TIP! If you’re not sure which pump you need, it’s better to select a larger pump and reduce the flow using the adjustable flow control feature.

TIP! If the pump is too small for the fountain, there will not be enough flow or spray. If the pump is too large, it can run out of water and burn itself out.

TIP! Be sure to check the area where your pump sits in your fountain. Not all fountains can house large pumps.  

About TotalPond Fountain Pumps

Standard Fountain Pumps fit perfectly into existing fountains and water features. Their compact power plug size and strong, built-in suction cups allow for easier installation and mounting. High-quality ceramic shafts and bearings supply undisrupted flow and enhanced reliability, while their quiet operation allows you to enjoy the natural, soothing sounds of your fountain. The uncomplicated pump design allows for simple and quick access to all moving parts — no tools necessary — increasing the pump’s longevity. Standard Submersible Fountain Pumps must be fully submerged in water to operate properly.

totalpond fountain pump enhanced reliability
totalpond fountain pump built-in flow control
totalpond fountain pump easy maintenance

Ideal Pumping Heights

1.5 ft. ideal pumping height for x-small totalpond fountain pump

Extra-Small (#52213)

3 ft. ideal pumping height for small totalpond fountain pump

Small (#52217)

5 ft. ideal pumping height for medium totalpond fountain pump

Medium (#52216)

7 ft. ideal pumping height for large totalpond fountain pump

Large (#52228)

Pump Size Ideal Pumping Height Pump Dimensions

Extra-Small (#52213)

1.5 ft.

2.5 x 1.6 x 1.8 in.

Small (#52217)

3 ft.

3 x 1.7 x 2 in.

Medium (#52216)

5 ft.

3.6 x 2.3 x 3 in.

Large (#52228)

7 ft.

4.1 x 2.7 x 3.7 in.

Product Highlight

Low Water Shut-off Fountain Pumps

Low Water Shut-off Fountain Pumps work the same as standard submersible fountain pumps when they are fully submerged in water. However, when the water levels reach below 1-1.5 inches, a Low Water Shut-off Fountain Pump will shut itself off to prevent pump burnout. The pump will automatically turn back on when the water levels are restored. These pumps are ideal for fountains located in a sunny or windy area where the water levels can drop without someone noticing.  

how low water auto shut-off feature works
how low water auto shut-off feature works

Ideal Pumping Heights

2-3 ft. ideal pumping height for small low water totalpond fountain pump

Small (#52299)

3-5 ft. ideal pumping height for low water totalpond fountain pump

Medium (#52320)

Pump Size Ideal Pumping Height Pump Dimensions with Light

Small (#52299)

2-3 ft.

3.5 x 2.5 x 2 in.

Medium (#52320)

3-5 ft.

4.6 x 3.3 x 2.6 in.


Tubing is a conduit, allowing water to flow from the pump to the fountain outlet. Our Fountain Pumps come with adapters that are compatible with the tubing sizes below.

Compatibility Charts

Pump Size X-Small (#52213) Small (#52217) Medium (#52216) Large (#52228)

Tubing Compatibility

3/8 in. ID
1/2 in. ID

3/8 in. ID
1/2 in. ID

1/2 in. ID
3/4 in. ID

1/2 in. ID
5/8 in. ID
3/4 in. ID

Low Water Shut-off Pump Size Small (#52299) Medium (#52320)

Tubing Compatibility

1/2 in. ID

1/2 in. ID